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Ecclesiastes 3:1 To every [thing there is] a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven
Recently on a trip back from Poland I was watching the movie Out of Africa. There is a scene in the movie where Robert Redford goes flying up in a two-seater Gypsy Moth plane. As the pilot, he sits in the back seat. But with no one in the front seat to block his view, he has an unhindered intake of the sky in front of him. But it’s a little different when he puts Meryl Streep in the front seat to take her for a spin. He’s crazy about her. In love actually. But as the plane begins to rise he has to peer around her in order to see the sky in front of him.
As I thought about this scene I realized that there is one major advantage in “Flying Solo”. There is no one there to block the view, no distraction, just you and the heavens in front of you. And that is why this blog exists at all. I've learned over the past year and a half that there is an availability in singleness that doesn’t reside in the covenant of marriage. It is the undistracted enjoyment of God.
It is learning to allow Him to love us so well, and us to love Him so well, that when He does bring someone to climb in our front seat it won’t be because we needed the seat filled, but because we just wanted someone to enjoy the view with us.
We were created for relationship. Yet the greatest relationship is that of Jesus Christ. And He desires to love us lavishly during this season that He has us all to himself. Here that...there will only be a few seasons in most of our lives where He has us all to himself. So, why wish that away? Why not enjoy it, embrace it and get out of it all that we were created to be and know and become.
We’ll discuss all kinds of things here together. And each day you'll know what to expect.
Monday's will be my "musings" - Everything from loving God well to On-line dating...
Tuesday will be "tips for living"- From Health Tips to Money Tips
Wednesday will be "1 on 1" - Personal stories from those who are even now traversing the waters of all stages of singleness, learning from their experiences and walking life out with each other.
Thursday will be the "Thumbprints of God"- Taking time to see where he has been intimately involved in loving us well through this season of our life.
Friday's will be spent with Ken Edwards- With a Masters in Divinity and a Master of the Arts in Marriage, He is a Counselor and Life Coach with over eighteen years of experience. On Friday's he'll answer our questions on everything from dealing with loneliness, to sex and the single life.
Saturday's are dinner and a movie night- We'll share our favorite movies and recipes for the evenings we pack our houses with good friends and good conversations and hope you'll share yours with us.
Sunday is our day to reflect- This is your day. You can reflect on whatever you want- your week- your fears- your joys...It's your day.
And there will be so much more. We’ll talk about how to pray for the right mate, myths of marriage, the grief of divorce and healing from the death of a spouse. We’ll go to the deep places of intimacy and co-dependency. We’ll share our favorite recipes for getting together with friends and when one of us has someone come along to climb in the front seat we’ll celebrate with each other.This is a community of people who have been privileged, if only for a season, to have the beauty of an uninhibited view of God, His calling on our lives and making the most out of the moments we’ve been given. A spouse will come if it’s in God’s plan and we can fight over the toilet seat then. A season will come when kids will be spilling Hi-C and breaking our hearts soon enough. But this time, this solitary and wonderful season, won’t be here forever. So why don’t we take advantage of it. May we not miss the joy in “Flying Solo”. I promise, it’s an amazing view!