Single readers out there in Flying Solo Land, I would like to introduce you to my dear friend Carol Johnson. Carol is a vivacious person sold out to the Lord. She started making incredible bread from her own kitchen and a highly successful bread and gift store called Full Cup came out of that.It is in the heart of Buckhead. I have known Carol for about 15 years and can't wait for you to get to know her as she shares some hard earned wisdom from all she has gone through. You will most definitely be blessed by her stories.
Pretend you are speaking to several thousand singles in a large auditorium. Many of those present have waited a long time for their life partner to come upon the scene. What would you say to them when many have grown weak of heart and weary in spirit? How would you encourage them?
I watch my agreements. If I allow myself to agree with discouragement and hope deferred, I’ll find myself in a state of distress, discouragement and hope deferred; I’m allowing the devil to steal my joy. I press in and write scriptures to say over my life and promises to stand on. I thank God in all circumstances. I make declarations over myself and by faith believe He is working things all together for good in my life. I do things for others who are hurting and realize how blessed I am in the process. I focus on Him and what He did for me on the cross, and my worries become very dim. I truly believe that there are much worse things in life than being single. I truly believe that I’d much rather be single than miserably married. I truly believe, that God has a great plan for my life. I also know that I would never be so close to the Lord if I had been married. I’ve had single-focus & devotion to Him that I would never have had otherwise. When I do marry, it will be hard to balance a husband with Jesus.
Give and example of boundaries and learning to say no.
Honestly, I don’t think I have hard time saying no. I used to, but not anymore. I guess it comes from lots of years of being taken advantage of or manipulated. I was naÔve for many years, but I don’t think I am so much anymore. Setting boundaries comes from knowing my limits physically and emotionally. One example of boundaries was with my ex-husband. He was a rage-aholic and I’d never been around someone so angry and full of rage. We went to counseling and since he repeatedly blamed everything on everyone else and never looked at himself, I realized there was no hope and he was pretty sick. He only got more and more enraged. When he went for his gun and threatened to kill one or both of us…. I kicked him out of the house. We’d been married 2 months. I guess you could say that was a boundary. I divorced him and refused to live with a man like that.